Titre 1
Titre 1
Titre 1
How Customer Journeys Irrigate Processes Continuous Improvement …
… and vice versa!
After "And if the processes were the best friends of the Customer Journey" a reflection of the "France Qualité" think tank, "France Processus" extends this introspection of the relations between "Customer Journey" and "Value Chain".
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S’assurer contre les fraudes:
une démarche qui peut s’avérer indispensable.
Plus que jamais les entreprises sont confrontées aux menaces de la fraude. Faux fournisseurs, faux présidents, comptables indélicats, usurpation d’identité, intrusions dans le système d’information pour bloquer (et libérer contre rançon) ou voler les données de l’entreprise etc. la liste de la typologie des fraudes ne cesse de s’allonger au cours des dernières années.
Une enquête récente menée par DFCG/Euler Hermes, montre que la fraude sous toutes ses formes « peut mettre en danger la trésorerie des entreprises, entamer sa réputation, diminuer la confiance de ses clients (et de ses fournisseurs), et affecter le moral de ses collaborateurs ».
Les entreprises dans le cadre de leur politique de management du risque et conscientes des limites des dispositifs de prévention contre la fraude, tant les fraudeurs sont devenus imaginatifs, vont de plus en plus reccourir à l’assurance anti-fraude comme un outil indispensable de cette prévention.
Cette assurance couvre entre autres :
Les pertes consécutives à une fraude commise par un employé, un tiers ou en cas de Cyberfraude.
Ainsi que certains frais induits comme:
Les frais de décontamination en cas d’attaque virale
Les frais de prestations de déblocage en cas de cyber extorsion
Les frais de reconstitution des données à partir de leur sauvegarde
Les frais de restauration de la réputation de l’entreprise
Les frais d’avocat
Les frais de poursuites judiciaires
Fraud Risk Management - Module RM 02/2
Target Audience:
This presentation/training targets:
Every operational involved in the implementation of an anti-fraud plan (including prevention & Detection),
Whether it is in the implementation phase of a fraud risk management plan and its activities of control to confine the risks of fraud,
Or in the detection phase, with in particular the participation to crisis committees or missions of investigation
Since the beginning of the years 2000, has started an unprecedented financial and economic crisis which, for many, finds its origin in defaults of companies’ governance handling, including lack of adequate risk management, and more particularly risks of fraud, corruption and now the issue of the Cybersecurity.
Regularly, important scandals of companies fraud and/or corruption make media’s big titles, with consequences which, although if it’s difficult to evaluate them exactly, are very huge for companies in particular, for business environment and in general for the whole economy. As for examples Enron, Parmalat, Tyco just to name a few, which are emblematic as they could be considered as a sort of starting point with the implementation afterwards of the Sarbanes Oxley regulation.
The objective of that presentation is to raise companies awareness of:
On one hand, the risk exposure and impact, for companies which would neglect their internal control system and of anti-fraud measures.
On the other hand, that there are a lot of solutions, within the reach of all companies, in order to manage Fraud risk.
Last but not least we should not forget that Risk Management is a whole.
As Norman Marks said:
“We don’t, or shouldn’t, address risk for its own sake. That’s what we are doing when we talk about these risk silos”…
“…Talking about cyber, or third party risk, is talking about a problem at an individual root level.
What we need to do is sit back and think about the potential effect of a root level issue on the overall health of the tree”.
So Fraud Management (risk) should be part of global Risk analysis, and we should not forget than an effect of a risk, could be the cause of another risk. With the Kerviel case, Société Générale, a French Bank, had to face a huge risk on its credibility and image.
Copyright ICSE 2016